The latest 2023 intermediate-level Ruby interview questions, including answers. A must for brushing up on questions! Record it.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen The content comes from the Interview Guide – a collection of intermediate difficulty Ruby interview questions Question: Please explain what method visibility modifiers are in Ruby and what do they mean? In Ruby, method visibility modifiers are used to define the visibility and accessibility…

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Knife4j integrates springboot

References Integrated use of knife4j_knife4jconfiguration-CSDN Blog SpringBoot integrates knife4j_knife4j-spring-boot-starter-CSDN blog Introduce maven <!–introduceKnife4jofficialstartBag,This guide selectsSpring BootVersion<3.0,Developers need to pay attention–> <dependency> <groupId>com.github.xiaoymin</groupId> <artifactId>knife4j-openapi2-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>4.4.0</version> </dependency> Configure Knife4jConfiguration @Configuration @EnableSwagger2WebMvc public class Knife4jConfiguration { @Bean(value = “dockerBean”) public Docket dockerBean() { //designated useSwagger2specification Docket docket=new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2) .apiInfo(new ApiInfoBuilder() //Description field supportMarkdowngrammar .description(“# Knife4j RESTful APIs”) .termsOfServiceUrl(“”)…

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SpringJPA does paging condition query

Preface: I believe that many of my friends’ projects use the SpringJPA framework. It is very convenient to use jpa for the addition, deletion, modification and query of a single table, but for conditional query and paging, many friends do not often write about it. Today I sorted it out Share it here. Without further…

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