Xcode15 iOS 17 Simulator offline installation, simulator installation

The size of the Xcode 15 installation package is smaller than that of the previous installation package. In addition to the Components of the macOS, you need to download the installation package dynamically. Otherwise, you are prompted with iOS 17 Simulator Not Installed.

  • If the corresponding running simulation library is not installed, the real machine and simulator cannot run, and the new project cannot be created. However, the simulator installation package is too large and does not support breakpoint continuation. After the online installation fails for N times, the simulator is installed offline and finally succeeds.

Installation Steps – Take the iOS Simulator as an Example

Xcode Internal Folders

  1. Download the iOS_17_Simulator_Runtime.dmg according to the guidance on the official website.
  2. Double-click the iOS_17_Simulator_Runtime.dmg file, wait for it to open, and then find the Runtimes folder layer by layer.
    • Select Xcode 15 App, then right-click to select Show package contents, and through Contents —> Developer —> Platforms —> iPhoneOS.platform —> Library —> Developer —> CoreSimulator, locate the Profiles folder.
    • Copy the Runtimes folder from step two to the Profiles folder from step three.
    • Turn on/restart Xcode 15 and the simulator has been successfully installed.

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