
Three common ways to handle AxiosError using Axios

Handling when using Axios AxiosError there are several common methods: Catch Exception: Using try-catch Statement try { const response = await axios.get(‘/api/data’); // Process response data } catch (error) { if (error.response) { // The request was successful but the status code is not there 2xx scope console.log(; console.log(error.response.status); console.log(error.response.headers); } else if (error.request) {…

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[Vue] Use axios locally to call third-party interfaces and handle cross-domain

Front End Processing Cross Domain 1. Development Preparation Development Tools: VScode Framework: Vue2 Project Structure: Standard Projects Generated by vue Scaffolding (Main Sections Only) Locally established port: 8080 Third-party interface to request: port number/xxx-api/code Notice:The front-end environment has been set up,must ensureaxios Downloaded II. Requirement Analysis The verification code of the front-end login page…

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xcode15 starts IOS remote debugging

1.Cable IPhone to macOS 2.Open xcode15 and click Window->Devices and Simulators Select Devices on the left to see the connected IPhone, and then click Connect via network to select.. When selected, an Earth icon appears to the right of the IPhone device on the left, indicating a successful network connection to the IPhone The data…

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In-depth exploration of axios in Vue: a comprehensive guide from basic installation to advanced functional applications

Article Directory Foreword I. axios Request 1. Concept of axios 2. Installation of axios 3. Introduction to axiso Request Mode 4. Axios Request Local Data 5. Axios Cross Domain 6. Axios Global Registration 7. Axios Supported Request Types 1) Get Request 2) Post Request 3) Put Request 4) Patch Request 5) Delete Request II. Axios…

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The axios secondary encapsulation and interceptor in the vue2 project (the whole article is super detailed) is also suitable for novices.

Catalog The basic configuration first installs the axios globally. Create a file named request.js and place it under utils.(The request name can be modified according to your preference.) Package the code directly. The detailed notes are written in the code, which can be copied directly and then modified as required. Note: The status of the…

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vue2 uses axios

Integrating and using Axios for HTTP request operations in Vue 2 typically includes the following steps: 1. Install Axios: Install Axios through npm or yarn in the project directory. npm install axios # or yarn add axios 2. Global configuration and registration For easy access to the Axios for all Vue components, it can be…

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