Women who do these six things will be happy in their lives

Women who do these six things will be happy in their lives

Compared with men, women are more delicate and sensitive, so it is particularly important for a woman to know clearly how to live her life.

Many women, although dedicated to the family and children of their lives, but they themselves are not happy, their eyes and heart only others, but forget their own, they never thought about what they want, what kind of life they want to live, their life is living for others, the heart is full of grievances, but can not find the outlet.

In fact, the relationship between people, really not the relationship of mutual sacrifice, as a woman, you will love your children, love your family, but you can not take these as all of your life, you can sacrifice for children and families, but can not lose the self. Once a person loses self, how can not be happy.

In the book “Carnegie’s Lifelong Happiness Advice to Women”, Carnegie gave us six suggestions on how to live a safe and happy life, which is worth every woman to learn.

01 Choose your partner

In Carnegie’s Advice to Women on a Happy Life, he wrote, “There is nothing more terrible for a woman than choosing the wrong partner.”

As women, whether married or not, will recognize this. However, many women still find that they have chosen the wrong partner after marriage, and at this time, they are very confused and do not know what to do. After all, it is not easy to give up a marriage, but if you want to continue, you are unhappy.

Therefore, Carnegie said that if women can strengthen their judgment ability, so that they can be clear in accordance with their own will to choose a partner, I believe that there will not be so many unhappy marriages.

On how to choose a good partner, Carnegie put forward ten reference suggestions in this book, which are: look at the use of his daily necessities; Observe the company he keeps; See how he deals with children; See if he has a sense of time; Listen to what he likes to say; To see how he evaluates his ex-girlfriend; See how he treats his mother; Observe how he views money; Understand his work attitude; Find out if he’s mentally healthy.

02 Do what you love

I don’t know if you have this feeling, if you are doing your favorite work, even if it is very hard and tired, you will feel particularly good, but if you do not like your work, even if you do not do much, you will feel very tired and tired at the end of the day?

Carnegie, in his book Carnegie’s Advice to Women for a Happy Life, said: “One of the main causes of fatigue is boredom… Emotional attitudes are more likely to cause fatigue than physical exertion.”

Therefore, if a woman does a job she does not like for a long time, she will feel tired and will not feel happy. Of course, not everyone can do their favorite job, since we need this job, then, we must learn to overcome the feeling of boredom.

Carnegie offers three tips on how to overcome boredom: Play with yourself; Pretend to be happy; Encourage yourself every day.

03 Have some leisure time

In Carnegie’s book, “Carnegie’s Advice to Women for a Happy Life,” Carnegie said: “No matter how heavy the load on your shoulders, no matter how busy you are at work every day, it is very important to treat yourself and allow yourself some leisure time.”

Not blindly busy is good, reasonable arrangement of time, improve their efficiency of doing things, is the most important, many women seem to have been busy, but in fact is the result of low efficiency, they do not know how to arrange their time.

Of course, when you have leisure time, you must also know how to make full and reasonable use of leisure time.

In this regard, Carnegie said that a rule for the use of leisure time is: make yourself enjoyable.

People who like to read books go to read, people who like to listen to music go to listen to music, in short, what you like to do, you do it.

04, Don’t demand gratitude from others

When you give, do you crave someone else’s return? I believe that for many people, after paying, they hope to have a return.

However, Carnegie wrote in the book “Carnegie’s Advice to Women for a happy Life” : “The best way to seek happiness is not to ask others to be grateful, only to see everything as love, as the most natural thing, will let you realize the true meaning of life.”

You give a lot to your children, because you love your children, not to get their gratitude, if you give a little, you want to get back, the relationship between you will become suffocating, no one will be happy.

Therefore, if you want to be good to a person, just be good to him, don’t ask that person must be grateful to you, simply enjoy paying, so that you will live happily.

05, Life can’t be too monotonous

As a woman, we must not put our life only with children and families, we must know how to do other things in addition to these things.

Many women complain about their children and their husbands, partly because their lives are so monotonous, their main thing every day is to do housework, take care of the children, and over time, there is no happiness in the heart.

So, Carnegie would say, ladies, if you want to make yourself happy, happy, then you have to make your life no longer monotonous, because for your life, work and health, monotonous is called a complete cold killer.

06 Don’t take criticism too seriously

In the book “Carnegie’s Advice to Women for a Happy Life”, there is such a passage: “Every woman in her life has been criticized by others, whether this criticism is good or bad. Most women don’t take criticism well when it comes to them. They often get angry, annoyed, worried or upset by the criticism.”

Many women because they can not accept the criticism of others, always take the criticism of others to heart, but in fact, why should it? If it is malicious criticism, you can not make any response, if it is well-meaning criticism, especially if it is of great help to us, you should accept it, and it is very good for you.

A woman, if you can do the above six points, this life will live very happy.


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