Here are 15 things new moms need to know

Here are 15 things new moms need to know

If you’re new to this journey, I’ve got some insights that might help—learned a lot along the way and want to share some real experiences and tips.

1, Newborn Clothes Size: Before Sage was born, everyone said skip newborn-sized clothes—they grow out of them so fast. But surprise! Sage rocked newborn sizes for the first two months, so having those tiny outfits handy was a lifesaver.

2, Zippered and Footed Clothing: Trust me on this—zippered and footed outfits are a game-changer in those early months. Late-night diaper changes are a breeze, and no more searching for lost socks in the dark.

3, Tracking Baby’s Naps: One thing that really helped us was tracking Sage’s nap times and awake windows. It’s been a lifesaver in understanding her sleep patterns and figuring out the best bedtime routines.

4, Versatility of Breast Milk: You’ve heard about the benefits of breast milk for feeding, but did you know it’s like a magic potion for small wounds, baby acne, and even crusty eyes? It’s amazing!

5, Crying is Normal: Don’t panic when your baby cries—it’s how they communicate. Sometimes it’s just about feeling lonely or bored, not always a sign of something wrong.

6, Short Days, Long Nights: Let’s be real—when Sage doesn’t sleep at night, the days feel incredibly short and the nights never-ending. It’s a whole new perspective for someone who loves daylight!

7, Bonding Takes Time: Bonding with Dad might take a bit longer than with Mom, and that’s okay. It’s a natural process, so give it time and space to develop.

8, Everything is a Phase: Remember, the ups and downs of early parenting are just phases. Adapting to your baby’s changes and finding your own rhythm is all part of the journey.

9, Postpartum Body Odors: Here’s something they don’t always tell you—postpartum might leave you feeling a bit smellier. It’s just one of those temporary changes your body goes through.

10, Changes in Eating Habits: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can do a number on your eating habits. Sometimes foods you loved during pregnancy lose their appeal, while breastfeeding demands extra calories and nutrition.

11,Body Healing: Postpartum healing isn’t just about recovery downstairs—it’s also about your abdominal muscles bouncing back from the stretching and stress of childbirth.

12, The “Fourth Trimester”: You’ve heard of the newborn stage, but the “fourth trimester” is a whole new world of its own. It brings surprises like itchy skin and adjustments that catch you off guard.

13,Identity Shift: Becoming parents means a shift in identity. It’s okay to mourn the old you as you embrace this new chapter—it’s all part of the journey of growth.

14,Parenting is Full-Time: Parenting isn’t a clock-in, clock-out job. It’s a full-time commitment that reshapes how you spend your time and energy, requiring flexibility and patience.

    These are Nikole’s honest insights into early parenting—hoping they bring you comfort and maybe a few “aha” moments on your own journey.


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