2. RabbitMQ_Installation


RabbitMQ installation documentation RabbitMQ official website download address: https://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html 1. Install dependencies Online installation depends on the environment: yum install build-essential openssl openssl-devel unixODBC unixODBC-devel make gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel m4 ncurses-devel tk tc xz 2. Installation environment U

The latest 2023 intermediate-level Ruby interview questions, including answers. A must for brushing up on questions! Record it.


A good memory is not as good as a bad pen The content comes from the Interview Guide – a collection of intermediate difficulty Ruby interview questions Question: Please explain what method visibility modifiers are in Ruby and what do they mean? In Ruby, method visibility modifiers are used to define the visibility and accessibility […]

2022 CocoaPods installation tutorial


2022 CocoaPods installation tutorial Although the MacOS system comes with Ruby, it will not be upgraded if it is not managed. Check rvm and install Check whether rvm is installed, execute the command in the terminal: rvm -v, If the terminal appears: rvm: command not found, it means rvm is not installed. Install rvm, use […]

14. Springboot integrates RabbitMQ


Table of contents 1 Introduction What is RabbitMQ? Install RabbitMQ Springboot integrates RabbitMQ 4.1. Add dependencies 4.2. Add configuration 4.3. Add controller as producer 4.4. Set producer message confirmation CallBack 4.5. Add Consumer as a consumer 4.6. Start the program and access 1 Introduction Message Queue (MQ for short) is an asynchrono

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