SpringBoot+ENC implements key encryption and usage principles


😊 @ Author: It’s a flash in the past 💖 @Homepage: https://blog.csdn.net/zhuocailing3390 🎊 @ Community: Java Technology Stack Exchange 🎉 @ Topic: SpringBoot+ENC implements key encryption and usage principles ⏱️ @ Creation time: June 23, 2024 Table of contents Preface Integrate SpringBoot 1.1、POM 1.2. Encryption salt value configuration 1.3. Use of t

Springboot&redisson implements delay queue


Redisson implements delay queue Version Notes: spring boot 2.6.0 redisson-spring-boot-starter 3.28.0 1. Add dependencies & configuration <dependency> <groupId>org.redisson</groupId> <artifactId>redisson-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> <version>3.28.0</version> </dependency> application.properties

springboot jpa paging query methods (two types)! ! !


springboot jpa paging query methods (two types) 1.PagingAndSortingRepository interface 2. @Query annotation custom query method Summarize This article introduces two commonly used methods for Spring Data JPA paging queries. 1. PagingAndSortingRepository interface Create a Repository interface that inherits from PagingAndSortingRepositor

SpringBoot 3 new features


Table of contents 1. GraalVM 1.1 Generate local executable application 1.2 Generate docker image 2. Support virtual threads 2.1 Stress test when virtual thread is not enabled 2.2 Stress test when virtual thread is enabled 3. HTTP Interface 1. GraalVM Using GraalVM to compile SpringBoot applications into local executable image files

Spring.servlet.multipart configuration does not take effect


1. If the interface request error is caused by nginx Check the configuration in nginx: http { client_max_body_size 100m; } or: location ^~ /aaa/ { client_max_body_size 100m; client_body_buffer_size 128k; } 2. If it is caused by the interface Tomcat is used as the web container For example, for springboot 2.X or above, configure the following [&hell

Detailed explanation of the use of spring.profiles


This article explains the usage and differences between spring.profiles.active and spring.profiles.include Article Directory Business scene spring.profiles.active property Specified at startup spring.profiles.includeProperty Configuration method Configuration location Configuration differences Use and differentiate with examples *Test 1 Test 2 Test

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