Super detailed front-end and back-end practical projects (Spring series plus vue3) front-end and back-end articles (4) (step-by-step implementation + source code)


Brothers, following yesterday’s code, continue to complete the final user module development, Yesterday I completed the user information editing page. I will improve it today. Let’s start from the backend. Make an interceptor to verify the user’s identity. Interceptor Let me explain it first: Let’s use the interview questions to elaborate: **Interc

Remember a springboot upgrade


Let me talk about the background first, because to use a springcloud component, springboot 2.1.17 must be upgraded to springboot 2.6.15 from the corresponding version. first step Replace parent <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.6.15

SpringBoot quickly builds TCP server and client


Due to work needs, I studied the process of setting up TCP communication with SpringBoot. For those who need it in engineering, I just want to quickly build a usable service. I have read many other tutorials, but I feel they are too complicated and easy to mess up. Here I will only talk about […]



High-quality blog posts: IT-BLOG-CN 1. Steps for writing internationalization in Spring 【1】Write international configuration files; 【2】Use ResourceBundleMessageSource to manage internationalized resource files; 【3】Use ftp:message on the page to retrieve the internationalized content; 2. SpringBoot writing internationalization steps 【1】Create the i1

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