Spring multi-threading implementation + reasonable setting of the maximum number of threads and the number of core threads


1. The simplest method: You need to add the @EnableAsync annotation to the Spring Boot main class to enable asynchronous functionality; The @Async annotation needs to be added to the asynchronous method. The sample code is as follows: @SpringBootApplication @EnableAsync public class Application {     public static void main(String[] args) {        

SpringJPA does paging condition query


Preface: I believe that many of my friends’ projects use the SpringJPA framework. It is very convenient to use jpa for the addition, deletion, modification and query of a single table, but for conditional query and paging, many friends do not often write about it. Today I sorted it out Share it here. Without further […]

springcloud gateway dynamic routing


1.1 Introduction to springcloud gateway Spring Cloud Gateway is the API Gateway in the SpringCloud microservice system produced by Spring. It is an efficient non-blocking gateway built based on Spring5, Project Reactor, and WebFlux. It provides the following functions: a. All request attributes can be used as routing conditions (Routing Predicates)

SpringBoot project integrates ACTable to quickly generate database tables from entity classes


1.Installation ACTable dependency     com.gitee.sunchenbin.mybatis.actable     mybatis-enhance-actable     1.5.0.RELEASE Use mybatis-plus to avoid jar package version conflicts. You can refer to the following methods to introduce dependencies.     com.gitee.sunchenbin.mybatis.actable     mybatis-enhance-actable     1.5.0.RELEASE             com.bao

SpringBoot integrates Oracle technology


1. Background introduction 1. Background introduction Spring Boot is an excellent framework for building new Spring applications. Its goal is to simplify the work of developers so that they can focus more on business logic instead of worrying about configuration and redundant code. Spring Boot provides many conveniences, such as automatic confi



environment: micrometer 1.8.2 prometheus 0.14.1 spring-boot-actuator 2.6.6 Use Cases <!-- Springbootstart upactuator,Dependencies will be introduced by default:micrometer-core --> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> <version>2.6.6<

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