4. Commonly used development tools for the Ruby language – "Learn Ruby from Lao Lu"

4. Commonly used development tools for Ruby language – “Learn Ruby from Lao Lu”

  • Common development tools for Ruby language
      1. RubyMine
    • 1. Intelligent code editing
  • 2. Debugger
  • 3. Version control
  • 4. Rails support
  • 5. Multiple Ruby frameworks and libraries supported
  • 6. Customization and extensibility
  • 7. Cross-platform support
  • 8. Powerful search and navigation functions
  • 9. Integrated terminal and command line tools
  • 10. Rich documentation and community support
  • two、Visual Studio Code
    • 1. Install Ruby extension
  • 2. Code highlighting
  • 3. Intelligent code completion
  • 4. Debugging support
  • 5. Git integration
  • 6. Custom settings
  • 7. Plug-in Ecosystem
  • 8. Cross-platform support
  • 9. Powerful search and replace functions
  • 10. Integration with other tools
    1. Sublime Text
    • 1. Highly customizable
  • 2. Powerful Ruby support
  • 3. Fast startup speed
  • 4. Support multiple programming languages
  • 5. Rich plug-in ecosystem
  • 6. Simple interface design
  • 7. Efficient shortcut key operations
  • 8. Powerful search and replace functions
  • 9. Easy-to-share configuration files
  • 10. Cross-platform support
    1. Atom
    • 1. Highly customizable
  • 2. Powerful plug-in system
  • 3. Support multiple programming languages
  • 4. Efficient text editing function
  • 5. Built-in Git integration
  • 6. Cross-platform support
  • 7. Friendly community support
  • 8. Powerful performance
  • 9. Easy to use
  • 10. Free and open source
  • five、Pry
    • 1. Install Pry
  • 2. Start Pry
  • 3. Code auto-completion
  • 4. Document viewing
  • 5. Stack Trace
  • 6. Navigation and Debugging
  • 7. Variable and expression evaluation
  • 8. Plug-ins and Extensions
  • 9. Integrate with other tools
  • 10. Customize Pry
    1. RSpec
    1. Cucumber
    1. Bundler
    1. RubyGems
    1. Rake
    1. Rails Console
    1. IRB (Interactive Ruby Shell)
    1. Byebug
    1. RuboCop
    1. RDoc
  • Summarize

Common development tools for Ruby language

1. RubyMine

RubyMine is a powerful Ruby and Rails integrated development environment (IDE) developed by JetBrains. It provides code auto-completion, syntax highlighting, debugger, version control and other functions, and supports a variety of Ruby frameworks and libraries. Here are some of RubyMine’s key features and capabilities:

1. Intelligent code editing

RubyMine has powerful code editing functions, including code auto-completion, syntax highlighting, code snippets, etc. These functions can greatly improve developers' programming efficiency and reduce errors.

2. Debugger

RubyMine has a powerful built-in debugger, which can easily set breakpoints, view variables, single-step execution and other operations. This makes it easier for developers to debug and fix errors in their code.

3. Version control

RubyMine supports multiple version control systems, such as Git, SVN, etc. It provides an intuitive graphical interface to manage code versions, including submission, pull, push and other operations. This makes team collaboration more efficient.

4. Rails support

RubyMine provides in-depth support for the Rails framework. It can automatically generate Rails project structure, model, controller and other codes, and provides a series of Rails-related tools and plug-ins. This makes Rails development more convenient.

5. Multiple Ruby frameworks and libraries supported

In addition to Rails, RubyMine also supports a variety of other Ruby frameworks and libraries, such as Sinatra, Hanami, etc. This allows developers to easily develop multiple Ruby projects in the same IDE.

6. Customization and extensibility

RubyMine allows users to customize and extend it according to their needs. Users can install various plug-ins to enhance the functions of the IDE, such as code quality inspection, automated testing, etc.

7. Cross-platform support

RubyMine supports multiple operating system platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. This allows developers to develop with RubyMine seamlessly on different operating systems.

8. Powerful search and navigation functions

RubyMine provides powerful search and navigation functions, such as global search, file search, class and method navigation, etc. This allows developers to find and locate specific parts of the code more quickly.

9. Integrated terminal and command line tools

RubyMine has built-in integrated terminal and command line tools, such as Ruby console, Rake task executor, etc. This allows developers to execute command line commands and scripts directly in the IDE without switching to an external terminal.

10. Rich documentation and community support

RubyMine has extensive documentation and community support. The official documentation provides detailed installation, configuration and usage guides, while the community forum and Q&A area provide a wealth of user experiences and solutions. This allows developers to receive timely help and support when using RubyMine.

two、Visual Studio Code

Although Visual Studio Code itself is not designed specifically for Ruby, it can become a powerful Ruby development tool by installing Ruby extensions. VS Code supports code highlighting, debugging, Git integration, etc., providing great convenience for Ruby developers.

1. Install Ruby extension

First, you need to install the Ruby extension in VS Code. Open the extension panel of VS Code (by clicking the four small square icons on the left sidebar or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X), enter “Ruby” in the search box, and then select a suitable Ruby extension from the results. Install.

2. Code highlighting

After installing the Ruby extension, VS Code will automatically recognize Ruby files and provide code highlighting. This makes your code easier to read and understand.

3. Intelligent code completion

The Ruby extension for VS Code also provides smart code completion. When you start typing code, VS Code speeds up your development process by providing possible code completion options based on context.

4. Debugging support

VS Code has built-in powerful debugging capabilities. By installing a Ruby debugger extension (such as Ruby Debug), you can easily debug Ruby code. You can set breakpoints, view variable values, step through code, and more.

5. Git integration

VS Code is tightly integrated with Git. You can perform Git operations directly in VS Code, such as submitting code, pulling code, viewing version history, etc. This greatly improves the efficiency of code version control.

6. Custom settings

VS Code allows you to customize settings to your liking. You can adjust fonts, colors, shortcut keys, and more to create a development environment that works best for you.

7. Plugin Ecosystem

VS Code has a huge plug-in ecosystem, and you can enhance the functionality of VS Code by installing various plug-ins. For example, you can install a linter plugin to check your code for errors and bad practices, or a code formatting plugin to automatically format your code.

8. Cross-platform support

VS Code supports multiple operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux, which means you can use VS Code for Ruby development on any platform you like.

9. Powerful search and replace functions

VS Code’s search and replace feature is so powerful that you can easily find and replace code throughout your project. This is useful for refactoring code or finding bugs.

10. Integration with other tools

VS Code also supports integration with other tools, such as terminal, task runner, etc. You can configure VS Code to use your familiar terminal and commands, or use the Task Runner to automate common development tasks. This makes VS Code a highly customizable and extensible development tool.

3. Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a highly customizable text editor that supports Ruby language development by installing Ruby-related plug-ins. Sublime Text starts quickly and supports multiple programming languages. The following is an introduction to some detailed features and usage methods of Sublime Text:

1. Highly customizable

Sublime Text allows users to be highly customized according to their needs. Whether it is the interface layout, shortcut key settings, or plug-in installation, it can be adjusted according to the user's preferences. This high degree of customizability makes Sublime Text the editor of choice for many developers.

2. Powerful Ruby support

Sublime Text can support Ruby language development by installing Ruby-related plug-ins. These plug-ins usually include syntax highlighting, code completion, code snippets, error checking and other functions, which greatly improve the efficiency of Ruby development.

3. Fast startup speed

Sublime Text starts very quickly and runs smoothly even when working on large projects. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage for developers who often need to switch editors frequently or open multiple projects.

4. Support multiple programming languages

In addition to Ruby, Sublime Text also supports multiple programming languages, such as Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc. This makes Sublime Text a versatile text editor that can meet the needs of different developers.

5. Rich plug-in ecosystem

Sublime Text has a huge plug-in library, and users can install plug-ins to extend the functionality of the editor. These plug-ins cover all aspects from code formatting, version control to code prompts, etc., providing developers with powerful support.

6. Simple interface design

The interface design of Sublime Text is simple and elegant, without too many redundant elements. This design allows developers to focus more on code writing and improve work efficiency.

7. Efficient shortcut key operation

Sublime Text supports a wealth of shortcut key operations, allowing developers to quickly complete various editing tasks through the keyboard. This efficient operation method can greatly reduce the use of the mouse and improve programming efficiency.

8. Powerful search and replace functions

Sublime Text provides powerful search and replace capabilities, supporting regular expressions and global search. This allows developers to quickly locate and modify errors or redundant parts of the code.

9. Easy-to-share configuration files

Sublime Text's configuration files are easy to share and import. Developers can share their configuration files with team members or upload to the cloud to maintain a consistent editing environment across different machines.

10. Cross-platform support

Sublime Text supports multiple operating system platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This allows developers to seamlessly switch to using Sublime Text for development on different operating systems.

**Sublime Text, as a highly customizable text editor, has strong advantages in the field of Ruby development. Its fast startup speed, rich plug-in ecosystem, simple interface design, and efficient shortcut key operations make it the tool of choice for many Ruby developers. **

4. Atom

Atom is an open source text editor launched by GitHub. It is built using web technology and therefore is highly customizable. Atom also supports the Ruby language, and its functionality can be enhanced by installing plug-ins. Here is a detailed introduction to some of Atom’s main features and functions:

1. Highly customizable

Atom is built using the Electron framework, which means it is based on Chromium and Node.js, making it customizable through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Users can modify the theme, interface layout, shortcut key settings, etc. according to their own needs to create a unique editing environment.

2. Powerful plug-in system

Atom has a rich plug-in library, and users can enhance the functionality of the editor by installing plug-ins. These plug-ins can cover various aspects such as code highlighting, code automatic completion, version control, project management, etc., greatly improving programming efficiency.

3. Support multiple programming languages

Atom not only supports Ruby, but also supports multiple programming languages ​​including JavaScript, Python, C++, Java, etc. This makes Atom a cross-language development tool suitable for various development scenarios.

4. Efficient text editing function

Atom provides rich text editing functions, such as multi-cursor editing, code block operations, undo and redo, etc. These features make text editing more efficient and flexible.

5. Built-in Git integration

As an editor launched by GitHub, Atom has a built-in Git version control system. Users can submit, pull, push and other operations directly in the editor without switching to the command line or other tools.

6. Cross-platform support

Atom supports multiple operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing users to use the same editing environment on different devices.

7. Friendly community support

Atom has an active community where users can share experiences, seek help, participate in plug-in development, etc. This allows Atom to maintain a good user experience while continuously improving and optimizing it.

8. Powerful performance

Even though Atom is built on web technology, it excels in performance. With reasonable optimization and plug-in management, Atom can handle large projects and complex files smoothly.

9. Easy to use

Atom's interface is simple, intuitive and easy to use. Even for beginners, they can quickly master the basic operation and usage.

10. Free and open source

Most importantly, Atom is a free and open source project. Users can use it for free and customize and extend it according to their needs. At the same time, the open source feature also enables Atom to continuously absorb outstanding contributions from the community and maintain continuous development and progress.


Pry is a Ruby interactive command line tool, similar to IRB, but more powerful. It supports code auto-completion, document viewing, stack tracing and other functions, and is a powerful tool for Ruby developers to debug and test. Below we’ll dive into some of Pry’s core features and how to use it.

1. Install Pry

To use Pry, you first need to install it in your Ruby environment. It can be installed through RubyGems (Ruby's package manager). Just enter gem install pry on the command line.

2. Start Pry

Once the installation is complete, you can start a Pry session by typing pry on the command line. This will enter an interactive Ruby environment where you can execute Ruby code.

3. Code auto-completion

Pry supports code auto-completion, which is very useful when you forget the method name or want to quickly view the method list of an object. Just press the Tab key as you type, and Pry will try to complete your code.

4. Document View

Pry also allows you to view documentation for Ruby objects directly from the command line. You can view the documentation using the show-doc command or the ? command followed by the object name or method name.

5. Stack Trace

When the program throws an exception, Pry will provide a detailed stack trace to help you quickly locate the problem. You can use the backtrace command to view the stack trace.

6. Navigation and Debugging

Pry provides a variety of commands to help you navigate and debug your code. For example, you can use the up and down commands to move up and down the call stack, the whereami command to view the current position, and the break and next commands to set breakpoints and control the flow of program execution.

7. Variable and expression evaluation

In a Pry session, you can directly enter variable names or expressions to view their values. Pry automatically evaluates expressions for you and displays the results.

8. Plug-ins and extensions

Pry supports plug-ins and extensions, allowing you to customize Pry's behavior according to your needs. You can write your own plugins in Ruby and load them in a Pry session.

9. Integrate with other tools

Pry can be integrated with many other Ruby development tools, such as Rails, RSpec, etc. This makes Pry a very flexible and powerful tool that can be used in a variety of development environments.

10. Customize Pry

In addition to using plugins and extensions, you can also customize Pry's behavior by modifying its configuration files. You can set aliases, shortcut keys, prompts, etc. to make it more in line with your usage habits.

**Pry is a powerful Ruby interactive command line tool that provides many useful features to help you debug and test. By in-depth understanding and use of Pry, you can improve your Ruby development efficiency and better manage your code. **

6. RSpec

RSpec is one of the most popular testing frameworks in Ruby. It uses natural language to describe test cases, making test cases easy to understand and maintain. RSpec supports multiple test types such as unit testing and integration testing.

7. Cucumber

Cucumber is a behavior-driven development (BDD) tool that uses natural language (such as Gherkin) to describe system behavior and verify these behaviors through automated tests. Cucumber can be used with various testing frameworks for Ruby, such as RSpec.

8. Bundler

Bundler is a Ruby dependency management tool that can help you manage your project's gem dependencies and ensure that the correct version of gems can be used in different environments.

9. RubyGems

RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby, similar to npm for Node.js or pip for Python. You can use RubyGems to install, update, and uninstall Ruby gem packages.

10. Rake

Rake is a build tool written in Ruby that is similar to the Unix make command. You can use Rake to automate your development tasks, such as running tests, compiling code, etc.

11. Rails Console

Rails Console is an interactive command-line tool provided by the Rails framework, which allows you to run Ruby code directly from the command line and access the models and databases of Rails applications.

12. IRB (Interactive Ruby Shell)

IRB is an interactive interpreter for Ruby that allows you to run Ruby code directly from the command line. IRB is a useful tool for learning and debugging Ruby code.

13. Byebug

Byebug is a simple debugger designed for Ruby 2. It provides functions such as setting breakpoints, single-step execution, viewing stack traces, etc. It is a powerful tool for Ruby developers to debug.

14. RuboCop

RuboCop is a Ruby static code analysis tool used to check whether Ruby code conforms to community-accepted coding style. It helps you maintain code consistency and avoid common coding mistakes.

15. RDoc

RDoc is a documentation generation tool for Ruby that can extract comments from Ruby source code and generate documentation in HTML format. RDoc helps you generate clear and understandable documentation for your Ruby library or application.


The Ruby language has attracted the favor of many developers for its elegance, simplicity and powerful metaprogramming capabilities. During the development process of Ruby, a series of commonly used tools and libraries provide developers with great convenience, from integrated development environments (IDEs) to code editors, from testing frameworks to package management tools, they together form a complete Ruby development ecosystem.

IDEs and editors such as RubyMine, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom provide intelligent code editing, debugging, version control, and powerful search and navigation functions, making the Ruby development process more efficient. These tools also support a variety of Ruby frameworks and libraries, providing developers with a wealth of choices.

In terms of testing, tools such as Pry, RSpec, and Cucumber provide comprehensive testing support for Ruby code. From unit testing to integration testing, from command line debugging to GUI interface, these tools can help developers quickly locate and fix problems.

Package management and build tools such as Bundler, RubyGems, and Rake make Ruby dependency management and project construction simple and efficient. They reduce developers' workload in manually handling dependencies and building projects through automation and standardization.

Interactive environments such as Rails Console and IRB provide developers with powerful interactive capabilities, allowing developers to dynamically view and modify the status of the code at runtime. Debugging tools such as Byebug further enhance Ruby's debugging capabilities and help developers locate and solve problems faster.

Finally, tools such as RuboCop and RDoc provide guarantees for Ruby's code quality and document generation. RuboCop can help developers write code that conforms to Ruby best practices, while RDoc can automatically generate documents based on comments in the code, making it easier for other developers to understand and use.

**These commonly used development tools in the Ruby language together form a powerful development ecosystem, providing Ruby developers with comprehensive support from coding to testing, and from construction to deployment. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, you can find tools and methods that suit you to improve development efficiency and code quality. **