iSH usage and optimization network-wide integration tutorial [continuously updated] [essence]

[Last Update: 2024.5 .5]

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Introduction to iSH and Source Replacement [users who have installed and completed source replacement can skip directly]


With iSH, you can happily use interpretive languages such as python on your phone iSH Shell Linux Shell for IOS, which uses an x86 simulator to run a simplified version of Alpine Linux on iPads or iPhones [you can check the iSH website for more information about iSH]

ISH source switching

I believe that when I install the Linux system, I will replace the domestic image source with the fast download speed. The default download source is abroad, and the download speed is very slow in China. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to a domestic source. (Skipping this step will not affect the normal use, that is, you can download the One slow) edit the/etc/apk/repositories file:

vi /etc/apk/repositories

Here, I use latest-stable to point to the latest stable version (take Zhongke Dayuan as an example), and modify the contents in the file as follows:

# Dayuan of Science and Technology of China
# Alibaba Cloud Source
#Here you can putv3.17Change tolatest-stable,Get the latest directlyAlpineversion source(certainly,This may also cause problems with some of the updated commands.)

Execute the “apk update” command to update the index to make the domestic source modification take effect.

Formal configuration optimization just started….

[The following operations can be implemented directly through iSH-init automation scripts]

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Configure and install some common commands in the iSH programming environment:

apk add python3 py3-pip go gcc clang wget git gdb g++ libc-dev perl

ISH uses neofetch to view iSH system information:

apk add neofetch
#CheckiSHsystem message


Solve the problem of git cloning large files. [Actually, the more important factor is that there is no FQ.]

git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000

Tutorial on iSH_zsh landscaping [Friends who are not interested in zsh landscaping can skip]:

Zsh has more customization options and supports extensions than the default Bash. Therefore, the Zsh can implement a series of cool functions such as more powerful command completion and command highlight.

apk add zsh
#Installoh-my-zsh「usegiteeAccelerate download and installation」:
sh -c "$(wget -O-"
#Edit it/etc/passwddocument,Will zsh set as default Shell
vi /etc/passwd
#BundlerootThe last of the user's row/bin/ashchange into/bin/zsh


ISH Use Programming Tool Neovim “Next Generation vim”:

//install Neovim:

apk add vim neovim

ISH Configure ssh:

//install ssh

apk add openssh

//Generate all types of public and private keys

ssh-keygen -A

//By default, linux is not allowed to access the root through ssh. You need to modify the sshd_config file first.

echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

//Start ssh Service


Start the web service using python3:

python3 -m http.server 80

The python3 uses the current directory as the root directory of the Web site, where 80 is the stable running of the service port number. It is recommended to use and start automatically with the following iSH background running commands.

while true; do python3 -m http.server 80 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; done &

ISH installation iperf3 test internal network Wi-Fi network speed:

apk add iperf3
#Single line test command
iperf3 -c -b 10000m -u
#Multi-line speed test command
iperf3 -c -b 10000m  -u -P 2

The iSH setting command starts automatically:

//Edit/etc/profile File

vim /etc/profile

//adding a command to run at the end of the file///etc/profile The command will run automatically when iSH is opened

Run the iSH background “Run the background by obtaining location”:

cat /dev/location > /dev/null &

//iSH will request permission from you to obtain a location. Always Allow! (If not, set to Always Allow in Settings -> Privacy -> Location)

ISH Install penetration tools such as sqlmap:

….. “It is recommended to abandon the pit. Due to the impact of iSH performance, most of the penetration tools will card *”

However, not all penetration tools cannot be used, such as phonesploit [Phonesploit Installation Tutorial] and routersploit [Routersploit Installation Tutorial].

~ By the way, if you have a friend interested in running penetration tools on a iphone/ipad device, you can look forward to my next article.

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