Teach you step by step how to connect to Mysql using Django


I. Introduction

II. Preparations

  1. Configure Django to connect to MySQL

  2. Install MySQL driver:

  3. Configure database settings:

  4. Create database migration:

  5. Write Django model and view functions

  6. Compile the model:

2. Write the view function:

3. Authoring templates:

  1. Run the Django project

VI. Precautions

VII. Summary

I. Introduction

Django is an advanced Python Web framework that makes developing Web applications faster and easier. MySQL is a popular relational database management system, which is widely used in various Web applications. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to connect to and manipulate MySQL databases using Django.

II. Preparations

Install MySQL and Django: Make sure you have Python, MySQL, and Django installed on your system. You can install Django through Python’s package manager, pip. Create database and tables: Create a new database and tables in your MySQL database to store your application’s data.

3. Configure Django to connect to MySQL

1. Install MySQL driver:

In Django, you need to install a MySQL driver to connect to the database. You can use MySQL client or PyMySQL as the driver. Install the driver via pip: pip install mysqlclient or pip install pymysql.

2. Configure database settings:

Open your Django project’s settings. Py file, locate the DATABASES setting, and configure it to point to your MySQL database. Examples are as follows:

    'default': {  
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',  
        'NAME': 'your_database_name',  
        'USER': 'your_username',  
        'PASSWORD': 'your_password',  
        'HOST': 'localhost',  
        'PORT': '3306',  

Be sure to replace your \ _ database \ _ name, your \ _ username, and your \ _ password with your actual database name, username, and password. If your MySQL server is not on localhost, set HOST to the appropriate address. By default, MySQL uses port 3306, so you can leave that port unchanged.

3. Create database migration:

After configuring the database settings, you need to create a database migration to create the table structure required by Django. Run the following command in your project directory: python manage. Py makemigrations This will create a migration file that describes the changes to the database structure. Next, run the following command to apply the migration: python manage. Py migrate This will create the database tables and make any necessary changes. Make sure you have created the database and tables before running these commands.

4. Write Django model and view functions

1. Compile the model:

In Django, a model is a concept that corresponds to a database table. Open the models. Py file in your application directory (create one if it doesn’t exist) and define your model. For example

from django.db import models  
class MyModel(models.Model):  
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)  
    email = models.EmailField()  
    # Additional fields can be added...

This creates a model called MyModel with two fields: name and email. You can add additional fields as needed. After defining the model, run the following command to create the database tables:

2. Write the view function:

The view function is the logical part that handles the user request and returns the response. You can use Django’s ORM (Object Relational Mapping) in the view to query and manipulate the data in the database. Open the views. Py file in your application directory (create one if it doesn’t exist) and write the view function. For example

3. Authoring templates:

Templates are HTML template files that are used to render view functions. You can define the layout and style of the page in the template. Create a new template file (for example, my \ _ template. HTML) in the Templates folder in your project directory and write the HTML code in it. Make sure you use Django’s template language syntax in your templates to access and display data.

5. Run the Django project

1. Start the development server: In the project directory, run the following command to start Django’s development server: python manage. Py runserver This starts a local development server and opens the Web application in the default browser.

Access your Django app 2. Test the application: through a browser and try to create, read, update, and delete data. Make sure that everything is running properly and that the database connections and operations are working as expected.

VI. Precautions

In a production environment, use a more robust database configuration, such as using a database configuration file, environment variables, or a privacy manager to store sensitive information. Ensure that adequate testing and optimization is done to address performance and security requirements in the production environment before deploying the application. Follow best practices by backing up your database regularly and keeping your database drivers and Django framework updated.

VII. Summary

With the above steps, you should have successfully connected to a MySQL database using Django. Now you can create models, write view functions and templates, and handle database operations in Django applications. Remember that in real applications, more testing and optimization is required to ensure the stability and performance of the application.